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Liquid Injection Molding Machines process

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Liquid Injection Molding Machines process


LSR injection molding will be more and more popular all over the word in the coming days. TYM is a leading LSR injection molding Company which offers custom silicone mould making services as well as injection mold solutions in China.

Now let's talk about the key components of the conventional, two-part liquid injection molding process are basically as below:

Supply drums: The plungers, or liquid silicone supply containers, connect to the pumping system. Many two-container setups include a third container for pigment.

Metering units: The metering device pumps two liquid materials in predetermined ratios, which ensures a concurrent release at a steady ratio.

Mixers: Once the liquid forming materials pass through the metering unit, a static mixer combines the materials. The blended material is pressurized and pushed into the mold.

Injectors: This device moves the LSR forming material into the pumping mechanism under pressurized force. The machine operator has the capability to adjust the pressure, as well as the injection rate. This parameter differs according to the project specifications.

Nozzles: The liquid compound flows into the mold through a nozzle that has an automatic shut-off valve. This valve prevents the mixture from leaking or the mold from overfilling.

Let's put it this way ,the basic liquid injection molding machine should be as lean and as compact as possible and secondary devices should be configured to address the needs of a particular project in an ideal production environment.